Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Robotics: apps

 We have been introduced to programming apps (before Lockdown) and were assigned to make an app, containing a picture of a cat that meows when pressed. Below is a screen shot of my AI companion and my programme. On the far left the AI companion is visible, the AI companion is an app that is able to have your programmes downloaded onto it, making it seem like a real mobile phone is using the app you made (you can also download the AI companion app onto your own phone, where it would be able to be used properly). As you can see, my meowing cat programme is visible on the AI companion, fully functional when pressed (just take my word for it). On the left side of my screen is the programme/preview where I was able to create a working app within the workspace. This was my very first app that I created, yes - its very simple - but its a start to many fun hours of creating apps.

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